Anna Heuschkel

Policy Researcher

Anna is Policy Researcher at the Centre for Young Lives. Previously, she worked as Researcher for a former Shadow Minister working on policy on fraud, cohabitation reform and whistleblowing and sexual harassment in the workplace. Prior to that she studied Politics and International relations at the London School of Economics before working for an MP as a Parliamentary Assistant.

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Tasha Mhakayakora

Trustee, Bite Back
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Dr Camilla Kingdon

President, RCPCH
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Cathy Cresswell

Professor, University of Oxford
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Louise Richmond

Business Development & Partnerships Consultant
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Anna Heuschkel

Policy Researcher

Anna is Policy Researcher at the Centre for Young Lives. Previously, she worked as Researcher for a former Shadow Minister working on policy on fraud, cohabitation reform and whistleblowing and sexual harassment in the workplace. Prior to that she studied Politics and International relations at the London School of Economics before working for an MP as a Parliamentary Assistant.

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Prof. Mark Mon Williams

Chair in Cognitive Psychology, University of Leeds & Prof of Psychology, Bradford Institute of Health Research
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Kadra Abdinasir

Associate Director for Policy, Centre for Mental Health
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Zelda Yanovich

CEO & Co-founder, Fam Studio
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Julika Niehaus

Mental Health team, Impact on Urban Health
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